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Weather in Puerto Penasco in September air temperature, number of sunny days, precipitation, air pressure and humidity Montly weather forecast in Puerto Penasco on YandexWeather ☂ Online precipitation map and other weather maps Information about regional climates Weather forecast in mobile appThe warmest month in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico, is August, with an average hightemperature of 342°C (936°F) and an average lowtemperature of 304°C (867°F) Weather Atlas © 0221 Yu Media Group doo ResourcesWith August being the hottest month, with high temperatures that can reach 97 degrees Fahrenheit and lows in the mid70s From June to July, expect average highs in the low to mid 90's and lows in high 60's to mid 70's Puerto Penasco Weather Average Monthly High and Low Temperatures The Best Time to visit Rocky Point After the summer months, the next busiest time of the year is Puerto Penasco Climate Average Temperature Weather By Month Puerto Penasco Water Temperature Climate Data Org Pue

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